05. Project Documentation

Project Documentation

FSND C2 L5 A06 Project Documentation Copy 01

All good, well-documented projects have a README.md file that should clearly explain the project and how to get started with it to any developers who may want to use or contribute to the project. Depending on your personal style preferences and project type, the structure and exact contents will differ, but the structure below is a good starting place.

  • Project Title

    • Description of project and motivation
    • Screenshots (if applicable), with captions
    • Code Style if you are following particular style guides
  • Getting Started

    • Prerequisites & Installation, including code samples for how to download all pre-requisites
    • Local Development, including how to set up the local development environment and run the project locally
    • Tests and how to run them
  • API Reference. If the API documentation is not very long, it can be included in the README

  • Deployment (if applicable)

  • Authors

  • Acknowledgements